
Showing posts from April, 2017


Is trekking* a sport? Many people get confused whether to classify trekking as such, since it does not exactly fit into the usual descriptions of a sport. In my opinion, trekking is a an activity which requires the trekker to make use of various skills and equipment. The trekker is required to have a good level of physical and mental fitness to participate in this activity. A trekker not only has to carry himself up to the destination, but also has to carry his equipment and luggage with him. This fact alone is enough to consider trekking a sport! Trekking may often make use of special equipment such as ropes, harnesses, carabiners and other specialised climbing equipment. As such, a trekker should have some knowledge about using such equipment. Trekkers may often come across situations in which they have to make decisions based on the limited information available. The best example I can think of in my context is choosing the correct path to your destination. Many a time, a path