A hole in my pocket...

EXPENSES! I doubt there's a more terrifying word in the English language. To many, spending equals happiness (shopaholics), to me spending is something which is necessary evil.
There are very few things which I don't mind spending money on:

  • Treks
  • Trips
  • Good food
  • Essentials
  • A good cellphone (very infrequently), and so on.

Statistically speaking, around 90% of my monthly expenses are on food. Like I said, essentials! Occasionally, I may spend my money on a few electronics. Though, even this is dependent on the need of that appliance, than actually wanting to buy it.

I won't say that I have never bought something for the heck of it, but I prefer to keep those instances to a minimum. For instance, once I had bought a leather jacket just because I thought it looked good. Well, if I had thought about it, I would have realised that Pune's weather provides little to no opportunities to actually wear a leather jacket!

They say that expenses actually increase once you start to earn on your own . I have yet to receive my first salary, but I sure hope that my expenses will remain limited to my necessities and not my wants.

All said and done, expenses are here to stay, so I might as well get used to them.

Topic:- I spend my money.


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