10 Reasons why I don't like the Summer (any more)

  1. It's too hot to be doing anything!
  2. I don't get Summer vacation.
  3. It's wedding season.
  4. My teeth can no longer tolerate sour delicacies like आवळा (Amla), चिंच (Tamrind) and कैरी (Raw Mango).
  5. The number of treks I can go to reduces drastically.
  6. MSEDCL decides that Summer is the best time for power cuts.
  7. It seems that the whole country has migrated to hill stations like Mahabaleshwar, Lonavala, etc.
  8. The rain gods, in all their wisdom decide to re-enact the Ghanan Ghanan song scene from the movie Lagaan.
  9. Any free time you get is mostly likely to be spent recovering from the Summer heat.
  10. The only advertisements that the TV seems to host are of ACs, Cooler and refrigerators.

This blog post is part of the 52 Weeks Blogging Challenge.


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