
What are we inspired by? Is it because of a certain situation? Or is it through a particular person's deeds/virtues? Is it a particular place that inspires us, or is it a story of the place?

There are many things that inspire us. Some are people who have influenced people around them, some are situations, events which occurred and changed the course of history or it may be something as mundane as watching an ant carry many times its body weight. Thus, inspiration comes in many different forms. The main purpose of inspiration, the reason why we go searching for it is that inspiration pushes us to do/act upon something that we would be reluctant to do otherwise.

Personally, I believe that inspiration comes from within. While I may be influenced by people or events, the final inspiration comes from within. The situations that inspire me are many, from something simple as watching the sun rise, to something great and complex such as the life stories of people who have achieved something amazing in their life.

Inspiration for me has always been about the small things. For example, recently I witnessed a small kitten in our society, try and fail to make a clean jump from a window ledge. I'm quite certain that the fall must have hurt. But the kitten immediately got up on its legs and after a few seconds went on its way. I was amazed at it resilience. We humans could learn a lot from such incidents. To me the incident symbolised that, "it doesn't matter how many times we fall, so long as we get up again."

This blog post is part of the 52 Weeks Blogging Challenge.
Topic: - "I'm inspired by..."


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